When I tell them there's no problems, only solutions.

Sunday, May 22, 2005


Phoenix Suns couldn't pull it off against the stingy San Antonio defense. Barry was clutch for the Spurs, as was Tim Duncan. Marion for the Suns was lacklustre. They'll have to step it up in the second game - with Nash leading the way.
  • Political news last week: Stronach defecting to the Liberals.
It's clearly a career move coinceding with the public's best interest. Otherwise, Stronach would have abstained from voting; instead, she gained a prominent role in government (Minister of Human Resources). It's a deal with the devil and a deal that cannot be rescinded.
  • Political news today: Laura Bush getting an unwarm welcome to the Islamic nations.
Think of it this way: how would Osama bin Laden (who's still kicking around) be welcomed to the United States? The only thing that's stopping even more violence from occuring is the threat of nuclear weapons, and for that matter even small armed weapons. Let's face it, how can a third-world country compete with a first-world country in terms of money and power? There is a clear answer: heart.


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