When I tell them there's no problems, only solutions.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Time of Our Lives

Wow that was the time of our lives last night, a once in a lifetime experience. It was just a matter of pretty good luck (minus my sketchy digital camera situation) and timing and the stars aligning and the moon shining and the drinks flowing and the words flying and the actions laughing and the energy intensifying and the mind shocking after the thought of it all.

Got there at and got our tickets, heard some music flowing so we decided to check it out. And it was soundcheck! Got a couple good pics with the digital camera, and decided we'd come back after I got a memory card. Apparently, the memory card didn't work but I thought it's all cool, I still have eleven more pics. Then I saw my batteries were dying so ran to the gas station and bought some more. Put them in and thought all was good. Then when the concert started I didn't even take one picture because those batteries died! Lucky we had a disposable camera, plus I ran (coincidentally) into another buddy of mine and he had a digital camera so hopefully I'll be able to grift those photos off of him. However, we did get some deadly ones with a few members...


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