When I tell them there's no problems, only solutions.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Saudi Arabia and Exxon-Mobil: helping to fuel the hungry animals of today. 3 trillion barrels of oil have yet to be found and 3 trillion acres of land have yet to be destroyed. Apparently, Saudia Arabia can double the output of oil.
"My father rode a camel, I drive a car, my son will ride an airplane, and his son will ride a camel."

So I turned on the teletube today, saw Mr. Bush diverging from ugly ladies Katrina and Rita and converging upon the beautiful ladies of Iraq. Yet if they were crying for freedom so hard, why did a woman suicide bomber blow herself up today? Why do military recruiters have access to high school students' records throughout the United States?
"Son, can you imagine yourself as a helicopter pilot?" or, "Son, can you imagine yourself fighting a figurative enemy called 'terrorism'?" or, "Son, can you imagine yourself dead?"
And why does the government have the right to cut off access to the schools' funding if they refuse to give out that information? At least here, it's a softsell. Sounds like a Broadway play named 1984. We have so much to live for, too much to die for, and too much laughter to give.


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